Partners Energy have been providing practical, cost effective compliance solutions that reduce energy use and improve the comfort of buildings, Australia wide, for 26 years.
Our specialist energy efficiency knowledge can help improve a building’s thermal performance and reduce energy costs. As independent, fully accredited professionals, our expertise and recommendations can be relied on. As experts in our field we present training to many government and non-government organisations.
We are recognised for solving difficult building compliance situations and finding ways to reduce the high constructions costs necessitated by D.I.Y. or D.T.S. compliance tools.
Our specialist services include:
– NCC- Section J Reports – Energy Certification for new commercial buildings
– NCC – Part 3.12 Energy Certification for residential buildings in all states, including BASIX in NSW
– Training and Educational Workshops
Partners Energy are professional and highly experienced in the complex field of building thermal performance and energy use, which makes them a integral part of our design team.
Greg Taylor – Director
Curtin Bathgate & Somers